FREE $10 Prepaid American Express Gift Card


Through October 29, The Perdue Crew will be giving away PERDUE-branded American Express Reward Cards! Just head on over and sign in with your Twitter or Facebook.

Once you’ve signed up, you can submit and share cool recipes and content with your friends and earn points. Hurry, the prizes are only available while supplies last!

Ways to Win
1. The first 500 members to earn 10,000 points will win $10.00 PERDUE-branded American Express Reward Card
2. The top three (3) idea submissions will win a $25.00 PERDUE Reward Card
3. The top three (3) recipes submissions will win a $25.00 PERDUE Reward Card
4. The top three (3) Instagram submissions will win a $25.00 PERDUE Reward Card

Ways to Earn
1. Every approved Instagram photo you upload using the #perduechickenpromotion hashtag earns you 500 points
2. For every friend you get to join, you’ll score 1,500 points
3. Create and share your favorite recipes for 500 points
4. Score 500 points for each additional network you connect including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube
5. Much More

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FREE $10 Prepaid American Express Gift Card – expired

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